Before you pay your first employee for the first time, you must check whether you need to operate PAYE. Payrolls come in all types and sizes. They may vary in their degree of complexity but they all have one thing in common – they’re urgent. You must apply PAYE to all payments that an employee receives through working for you, including salary and wages, overtime, shift pay and tips, bonuses and commission, certain expenses allowances paid in cash, Statutory Sick Pay, Statutory Maternity, Paternity or Adoption Pay, lump sum and compensation payments – such as redundancy payments – unless they’re exempt from tax, non-cash items such as vouchers, shares or premium bonds. We can relieve you of the pressure of calculating PAYE, overtime pay, holiday pay, sick pay, maternity pay and all the other variables that arise. We will use our expertise and knowledge to deal with every aspect of payroll for you – from setting up systems to suit your business to PAYE and NI deductions. Our Payroll services include:
- Auto enrolment processing and compliance
- Completing year end returns.
- Dealing with the PAYE and NI deductions.
- Payslip preparation
- Setting up a payroll system suitable to your business